Monday, January 18, 2010


I had lots of work to do this weekend for the week ahead, and I actually had time to do it too. But no...procrastination won out once again. So there I was on Sunday night, playing 'catch-up', as usual! But I decided to keep an eye on Raw as I worked.
I saw about one episode last season, or more likely bits from a few episodes, and wasn't impressed by what I saw. Since there was little else on T.V. last night, it was 'Raw' I was left with. However despite my previous misgivings, I was quite surprised. First of all there seemed to be a few new characters, a waiter called Dylon, and new boss, Fiona, who previously played the boss/owner in 'The Clinic'. The role suits her: she doesn't say a lot, but has quite an authoritative air, and when she does speak, there are often hints of sarcasm.
Jo-Jo and Shane's mother graces them with an unexpected visit, and the dynamic between the three was very interesting, very well played and true to life. Shane was clearly the favoured one, Jo-Jo bearing the brunt of any family angst.
Pablo, trying to confidentally fill his role of floor manager encounters a problem with a slightly psychotic dinner guest. A man and woman are out to dinner and the man proceeds to bully the woman, making decisions for her and snide remarks, and then turns his wrath on Pablo.. While it was interesting to be drawn into the lives of the diner, his character seemed to be a bit over-played and didn't quite ring true.
Another area where the scripting fell down was when Jo-Jo and Dylan, after flirting with each other all day, were locked into the self-locking wine luck would have it!! How cosy!
And finally, as regards scripting, when Jo-Jo and Shane's mother meets Fiona (boss lady), she asks 'do you have any kids yourself?' (Reasonable enough) But Fiona answers, 'No (pause), but I always...' (BUT I ALWAYS!!??, to a complete stranger?!) We already know that this woman has secrets, but what an unrealistic, unguarded response for Fiona, cool, always-in-control Fiona!
But apart from that, it was a strong and holding drama, with a far better developed plot than previously and the cast of actors gelled well and fulfilled challenging roles. The overall effect was a satisfying drama with the essential emotional weight.

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